

Version: 2024 and later



NOTE: For purposes of this article we will be using a When Printed variable, but you can use any variable. If it outputs 0 the object will note show, if it outputs 1 the object will show.

1. Navigate to Data Source > When Printed > Add.


2. Name the When Printed field Show Image, and assign it a value of 1 (for true) or 0 (for false).


3. Right-click the image you'd like to make conditional and select Properties.


4. Select the General tab.


5. Change the Printable Mode from Always to Conditional.


6. Select the Show Image When Printed field from the Conditional Variable drop-down, and click OK.


7. Change the value of the When Printed field from 1 to 0 to make the object non-printable. If a different character is input, the image will default to printable.