

Version: 2021 and Newer


1. From the label with the Database connection you'd like to convert to Table Lookup, navigate to Data Source > Database > Convert to Table lookup. Alternatively, right-click Database from the Data sources menu and select Covert to Table lookup.

2. From the Convert to Table lookup window, select the database fields you'd like to convert. Use the Select all button to convert all of the fields at once. 

3. Click Append Row to add a Key value and Key field

The Key value is the input or information that you will be searching for, and the Key field is the information in the database that the Key value will be matched to.

In the example below, we've created a When Printed field called Part Number WP, which will allow operators to input a part number at print time. The Table lookup will take the input from Part Number WP and search for a matching value in the PARTNUM column of the database, which is the Key field. When a matching value is found, it will return the selected fields associated with that part number (LogoName, Name, Scale, etc.).

NOTE: The Key value can be any data source, such as a Database field or another Table lookup.

4. Check Replace variables if you'd like the Table Lookups to replace the variables from your database connection. Checking this box will automatically select Close active database connection. Click OK.

5. Once the conversion is complete, you'll see the fields you selected under the Table lookup header of the Data sources window.