Version: All Versions
If you are receiving an error "Unable to load label designer" when attempting to open any TEKLYNX product. This can be due to a Windows update or an outdated version edition of our TEKLYNX product.
1. Make sure you are on the latest edition version of our software, which can be downloaded from here.
2. This can also occur when Anti-Virus suites may block the application from running. For further information on what needs to be Whitelisted in your Anti-Virus click here.
3. If you have confirmed that your anti-virus is not the culprit, an uninstall and reinstall of the software should resolve the error message. If the error continues post reinstall, it is highly suggested to further investigate what is blocking the software from opening.
NOTE: This can also be caused by having any previous versions of any TEKLYNX product. We suggest uninstalling any old version of our software that was on the machine and attempt to install the correct version that you are trying to use. If you need additional support, please feel free to contact the Customer Support Team at 414-837-4800.