

Version: LABELVIEW Gold and CODESOFT Enterprise


1. Go to Tools and select Log file.

2. Under Printing log file, check the radial button for On.

3. Click the […] button to the right of the text file name. This allows you to define where your log file is saved and what it is named.

4. If the Use document name as log file name is selected, the log file will save in the default label folder.

5. Go to the Options tab and define the data you would like to log.

6. To log a Data Source make sure the proper selection is marked. The choices are Selected, which will require those data sources to have the log feature turned on, All, which will log all data sources, or None.

7. If the Data Source pane is open on the right hand side, Select the field to make sure is captured in the log file and right click. Select Properties.

8. If the Data Source pane is not open, go to Data Source, choose which type of Data Source it is and find the correct field, then select properties.

9. On the Output tab make sure that Include in the log file is checked. Click Ok.