Version: 2014 & later
This can be done by either right clicking date and selecting add or going to the Data Sources drop down selecting date, then add.
Following a similar creation to the date variable, a formula can be created by right clicking formula , selecting add or going up to the Data sources drop down selecting formula, then selecting add. Copy this string and paste it into the new formula "exact(mod(left(year, 4), 4), "0"), exact(right(month, 2), "02"))".
Use the following string to calculate the last day of the month. "if({Leap Year Check}="1", Extract(BestBefore(BestBefore(pad(month(Month),2,0) &"/01/"& Month,"mm/dd/yy",1,"m", 0, "mm/dd/yy", 1033),"mm/dd/yy",-1,"d", 0, "mm/dd/yy", 1033), "/", 2)+1, Extract(BestBefore(BestBefore(pad(month(Month),2,0) &"/01/"& Month,"mm/dd/yy",1,"m", 0, "mm/dd/yy", 1033),"mm/dd/yy",-1,"d", 0, "mm/dd/yy", 1033), "/", 2))"