

Version: All Versions


1. Navigate to Data Source > Counter > Add to create a new counter. Alternatively, right-click Counter from the Data sources menu and select Add.


2. Give your counter a Name. From the counter Type drop-down, select Binary.

3. Input the Current Value, the Increment, and the Min and Max Value. If you'd like to input values in decimal and have the software convert it to binary, check the box next to Values In Decimal Base. When finished, click OK.

NOTE: Enabling Values in Decimal Base only affects the way the values are displayed in the Counter tab. No matter which option you choose, the counter output will always be in binary.

4. Navigate to Data Source > Counter > Your Counter Name > Place to add the binary counter to the label. Alternatively, right-click Your Counter Name under the Counter header in the Data Sources menu and click Place.


5. Click anywhere on the label to add the counter, and select whether you'd like the counter to appear as Text, a Barcode, or an Image