

Version: All Versions


1. In order to accomplish this task, we will first need to create a GS1 barcode. The example given in this article will pertain to a GS1-128 barcode, but the steps and output are the same for the GS1-2D barcodes as well. As we can see, from the image below, we have created a GS1-128 with the Application Identifiers (AI) 01,10,and 17. (GTIN, Lot Number, and Expiry Date) The human readable section, located below the barcode, is currently a linear or single string format. The human readable can be itemized into a stackable option.

NOTE: The 2018/2019 products are the only version that offer the built-in "GS1 Stackable" option within the human readable properties. However there is a way to accomplish the stacking with Formulas in previous versions. 

2. Select the GS1 barcode, right click and go to Properties.

3. Once the Properties have opened, look for the Human Readable drop down.

4. Check the box for GS1 stackable. The position and alignment can also be selected for the human readable information.

5. The Human Readable is now stacked underneath the barcode.

For 2015 and older LABELVIEW/CODESOFT

6. After the GS1 barcode is created, a Formula needs to be created to alter the human readable to be a stackable/itemized object. To create a new formula either go to Data source, highlight Formula and select Add. Otherwise, in the Data source window, highlight Formula, right click and select Add.


7. Name the formula, for this example the name is GS1 HUMAN READABLE FORMULA. Input a formula string similar to the formula below.

NOTE: Please keep in mind that your data may not resemble exactly what is seen here. This is an example using the Application Identifiers (AI) that were specified at the beginning of this article. 

8. As you can see above, the Formula has been created using data within the variable data sources that the barcode itself is also using.

NOTE: If you are looking to create the same setup, please take a look a the Data source window below. More information about creating Data sources can be found here. 

9. Make sure that the human readable is not being displayed for the current GS1 barcode. To do this, double click on the GS1 barcode that is on the label, this should take you to the properties. Go to the Human Readable drop down. From the Position drop down select None.

10. Now that the formula has been created for the stackable human readable, it can be placed on the label. There are two ways to do this. Go to Data sources, highlight Formulas, highlight the formula name, then select Place. If the Data sources window is open select the formula name and right click, select Place. (This will need to be done for the barcode and the human readable).


11. The image below is what the GS1 barcode and the GS1 Stacked Human Readable should look like.

IMPORTANT NOTES: Please keep in mind that the data you are using may not resemble exactly what is here. This was an example using the Application Identifiers specified in the beginning of this article. Here are some more helpful tips to keep in mind when creating a formula for a stackable human readable.
A. The quotation mark character " " is to denote static or fixed data in the string. To create your own static Application Identifiers within the formula use:                  "(01)"/"(10)"/"(17)"
B. The ampersand, &, is used to concatenate the data together into a single string - "(01)" & {GTIN} = (01)9876543219876
C. The squiggly bracket characters, { }, are encompassing the created data sources. These are data sources that are within the software and can be seen in the Data sources window. (See Step 8 for an example of the Data sources window)
D. The ASCII function of Carriage Return is denoted by the char(13) function inserted after each line of data. This helps break the strings into the itemized/stackable format. 

NOTE: If you are unaware of what the ASCII functions are, it is the American Standard Code for Information Interchange. It is a code that represents the 128 English characters as numerical formats with each letter assigned to a number 0 through 127. In TEKLYNX LABELVIEW/CODESOFT 2018 and higher products, we have included the ASCII table within the formula creation window as shown below.

NOTE: Selecting this button will open an adjacent window with the full ASCII list available for import of the characters/functions directly into the formula being created.

Those end users not currently on the LABELVIEW/CODESOFT 2018 and higher products, a link to the full ASCII list and functions can be found here.