

Version: All Versions


For LABEL MATRIX the software stores the database connection within the labels itself so you do not need to copy any files to a new location. However, the database itself needs to be on the new workstation in the exact same location as it was on the original workstation in order for the software to connect.



1. To transfer the old database connections to the 2019 version of LABELVIEW/CODESOFT, you will first want to verify the folder in which the current OLEDB Connections are contained. This can be done in the software by going to Tools and then selecting Configuration from the drop-down.

2. Open up the Default Folders and locate the OLEDB Connections (*.UDL). Make note of or copy the file path listed.

3. Open File Explorer. Browse out to that location listed in OLEDB Connections (*.UDL). By default this path is C:\ProgramData\Teklynx\"Product name+Year"\DataLink. NOTE: Any software that is 2018 and newer will not have the year following the product name. Also, Program Data is a hidden folder in case trying to look for the path folder by folder.

4. Copy any of the files that have a .UDL extension type from this folder.

5. Paste the copied .UDL files into the software's new OLEDB Connections folder. The default pathway will be: C:\\ProgramData\Teklynx\"LABELVIEW/CODESOFT"\DataLink  (Version 2018 and higher no longer have the year following the product name)