

Version: All Versions


1. To reanalyze the database connection in LABEL MATRIX go to File Label Properties.

2. Locate the Database tab and select the database connection listed.
3. Click Reanalyze.

4. Choose the correct method for the database being used. If using Excel or Access, choose Normal Setup and click Next.

5. The window will now show a path of where the database is located. Verify this path is correct or choose the new location of the new database if applicable, and click Next.

6. The next screen will show data from the database it found and the tables also found within the database. Verify the information is correct, and click Next.

7. This page will ask how the data is going to be accessed. For a more clear definition click Help, otherwise click Next.

8. The last step is giving the database connection a name. If nothing is entered it will default to the database's table name. A description is optional. Click Finish.