

Version: All Versions


1. Start Database Manager. Find the LABELARCHIVE database.

In this case I will demonstrate with Microsoft SQL, in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.

2. Expand the database 'LABELARCHIVE', then 'Tables' and find dbo.tbDocuments

4. Open and search the table for the label that needs to be deleted

In Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, you can do this by right clicking dbo.tblDocuments > Edit Top 200 Rows.

5. Delete the table entry for the label you wish to remove.


6. Retry checking in the label with LABEL ARCHIVE.


NOTE: Even though a user may delete a label from LABEL ARCHIVE, the database that holds the labels will only toggle the ISDELETED field from NULL to 1. This means that LABEL ARCHIVE will not recognize deleted labels, but that an entity still exists within the database.