
Product: Sentinel

Version: All Versions


Creating a sentinel involves choosing a data transmission channel, an associated map, and configuring the linked input, process, report and output plug-ins.

To create a new Sentinel:

1. Choose Sentinel > New.


2. The Sentinel properties dialog box appears. The dialog box contains five tabs: General, Input, Process, Output and Report.


3. In the General tab, enter a name for the sentinel and select or create the group to which it will be assigned. If you checked the Stop on errors option, the processing of the sentinel will stop when an error occurs. You can type a comment if you want and indicate the path of the mapfile.


4. In the Input tab, select an input plug-in and click on the Settings button. If you have several input plug-ins, the information zone gives you the information about the functions of the selected plug-in.


5. In the Process tab, select an process plug-in and click on the Settings button. If you have several process plug-ins, the information zone gives you the information about the functions of the selected plug-in.


6. In the Output tab, select an output plug-in and click on the Settings button. If you have several output plug-ins, the information zone gives you the information about the functions of the selected plug-in.


7. In the Report tab, select an report plug-in and click on the Settings button. If you have several report plug-ins, the information zone gives you the information about the functions of the selected plug-in.


8. Click on OK.